The Aim

The idea behind the PE Library is to get children more active at home and to encourage more physical play with their parents/siblings. It also aims to improve the basic skills and physical literacy of children outside of PE lessons.

The Format

Every half term each class gets 3 bags. In each bag would be a new selection of resource/game books and some limited resources (beanbag, ball, quoit, cones etc).

The idea is that children check out a bag complete the activities at home with parents, siblings or by themselves then bring the bag back.

The activities in the bags would be progressively more difficult.

Each class would also get a recording sheet to encourage competition between classes in order to increase continued participation in the scheme.

The Benefits

The PE Library helps to reduce levels of obesity in children and encourages them to pursue an active lifestyle by giving them ideas and opportunity to play.

The PE Library helps teachers as it enables them to teach children who already have a good foundation of physical literacy allowing them to focus on more complex skills and ideas.

The PE Library helps schools by strengthening links with parents and helps to raise the profile of PE and sport both within the school and in the local community.

Option 1 - £200 *£1 per child

● Digital copy of the activity books
● 18 PE Library Bags.

Option - 2 £400 *£2 per child

● Digital copy of the activity books
● All required equipment including bags

Option 3 - £550 *£2.75 per child

● Rental of activity books with a new set delivered each half term.
● Rental and upkeep of bags
● Rental of all equipment
● £75 worth of replacement equipment

* based on 200 children in the school.
* for schools with more than 2 form entry pay extra £75 for Option 1, £150 for Option 2 and £250 for Option 3.

To give you a comparison…

YST Foundation Set
1 set of 10 cards = £14.40 for Foundation
Multiplied up – 3 sets per class for 6 classes = £1555.20

PE Library Order Form

Your Name*

Your School*

Purchase Order Number*


Extra Set
£75 for Option 1£150 for Option 2£250 for Option 3

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